A workflow is a quality gate that your data must pass in order to be pushed to S3. To get started, create a configuration file in your Quilt S3 bucket at s3://BUCKET/.quilt/workflows/config.yml.
Here's an example:
version:"1"workflows:alpha:name:Search for aliensis_message_required:truebeta:name:Studying superpowersmetadata_schema:superheroesgamma:name:Nothing specialdescription:TOP SECRETis_message_required:truemetadata_schema:top-secretschemas:superheroes:url:s3://quilt-sergey-dev-metadata/schemas/superheroes.schema.jsontop-secret:url:s3://quilt-sergey-dev-metadata/schemas/top-secret.schema.json
With the above configuration, you must specify a workflow before you can push:
>>>import quilt3>>> quilt3.Package().push('test/package', registry='s3://quilt-sergey-dev-metadata')QuiltException: Workflow required, but none specified.
Let's try with the workflow= parameter:
>>> quilt3.Package().push('test/package', registry='s3://quilt-sergey-dev-metadata', workflow='alpha')QuiltException: Commit message is required by workflow, but none was provided.
The above QuiltException is caused by is_message_required: true. Here's how we can pass the workflow:
>>> quilt3.Package().push('test/package', registry='s3://quilt-sergey-dev-metadata', message='added info about UFO', workflow='alpha')Package test/package@bc9a838 pushed to s3://quilt-sergey-dev-metadata
Now let's push with workflow='beta':
>>> quilt3.Package().push('test/package', registry='s3://quilt-sergey-dev-metadata', workflow='beta')QuiltException: Metadata failed validation:'superhero'is a required property.
We encountered another exception because the beta workflow specifies metadata_schema: superheroes. Therefore, the test/package metadata must validate against the JSON Schema at s3://quilt-sergey-dev-metadata/schemas/superheroes.schema.json:
>>> quilt3.Package().set_meta({'superhero': 'Batman'}).push('test/package', registry='s3://quilt-sergey-dev-metadata', workflow='beta')Package test/package@c4691d8 pushed to s3://quilt-sergey-dev-metadata
For the gamma workflow, both is_message_required: true and metadata_schema are set, so both message and package metadata are validated:
>>> quilt3.Package().push('test/package', registry='s3://quilt-sergey-dev-metadata', workflow='gamma')QuiltException: Metadata failed validation:'answer'is a required property.>>> quilt3.Package().set_meta({'answer': 42}).push('test/package', registry='s3://quilt-sergey-dev-metadata', workflow='gamma')QuiltException: Commit message is required by workflow, but none was provided.>>> quilt3.Package().set_meta({'answer': 42}).push('test/package', registry='s3://quilt-sergey-dev-metadata', message='at last all is set up', workflow='gamma')Package test/package@6331508 pushed to s3://quilt-sergey-dev-metadata
If you wish for your users to be able to skip workflows altogether, you can make workflow validation optional with is_workflow_required: false in your config.yml, and specify workflow=None in the API:
>>> quilt3.Package().push('test/package', registry='s3://quilt-sergey-dev-metadata', workflow=None)Package test/package@06b2815 pushed to s3://quilt-sergey-dev-metadata
Also default_workflow can be set in the config to specify which workflow will be used if workflow parameter is not provided.
Pushing across buckets with the Quilt catalog
The catalog's Push to bucket feature can be enabled by adding a successors property to the config. A successor is a destination bucket.
If copy_data is true (the default), all package entries will be copied to the destination bucket. If copy_data is false, all entries will remain in their current locations.