The Quilt catalog has limited-feature S3 browser called Embed, an embeddable iframe. Embed is served off the main catalog under /__embed route.
Here's a sample code snippet in plain JavaScript + React that outlines the basic use cases:
import * as React from 'react'
const EMBED_ORIGIN = 'https://my-quilt-catalog'
const PARENT_ORIGIN = window.location.origin
const EVENT_SOURCE = 'quilt-embed'
const mkNonce = () => `${Math.random()}`.slice(2)
function Embed() {
const iframeRef = React.useRef(null)
const [nonce, setNonce] = React.useState(mkNonce)
// nonce is used to identify "our" Embed instance and make sure we're receiving messages from the same instance
// origin must be sent as a query parameter to enable cross-origin message passing from Embed to the parent
const src = `${EMBED_ORIGIN}/__embed?nonce=${nonce}&origin=${encodeURIComponent(PARENT_ORIGIN)}`
const postMessage = React.useCallback(
// function for sending messages to the Embed (it will only handle messages sent by the window that opened it aka parent)
(msg) => {
if (!iframeRef.current) return
// origin must be sent as a second parameter to enable cross-origin message passing
iframeRef.current.contentWindow.postMessage(msg, EMBED_ORIGIN)
const initialize = React.useCallback(() => {
// see the `init` command reference in the API section below for details
type: 'init',
bucket: 'your-bucket-here',
path: 'path-to-object-or-prefix',
// deep linking can be implemented by storing Embed's route and then initializing it with this stored route
route: || undefined,
// e.g. { provider, token } for SSO or { password, username } (which doesn't seem like a right choice in most cases)
// getting credentials is your app's responsibility
credentials: { provider: 'okta', token: 'my token' },
theme: {
palette: {
primary: {
main: '#282b50',
secondary: {
main: '#339933',
typography: {
fontFamily: '"Comic Sans MS", "Comic Sans", cursive',
overrides: {
s3ObjectLink: {
href: 'https://my-app/s3-browser?route=<%= encodeURIComponent(url) %>',
// notification shown after copying href to the clipboard (if `emit` is not set to "override")
emit: 'override',
// arbitrary CSS files can be injected to further customize look and feel and/or layout
css: [
}, [postMessage])
const navigate = React.useCallback((route) => {
// command the Embed to navigate to an arbitrary route
postMessage({ type: 'navigate', route })
}, [postMessage])
const reloadIframe = React.useCallback(() => {
// reload the iframe by generating a new nonce (and therefore changing `src` computed value)
}, [setNonce])
const handleMessage = React.useCallback(
(e) => {
if (
// ignore messages from other windows
e.source !== iframeRef.current.contentWindow ||
// ensure origin is what we expect it to be (user has not navigated away)
e.origin !== EMBED_ORIGIN ||
// ensure the message has expected format (.source set to 'quilt-embed') !== EVENT_SOURCE ||
// ensure this is "our" instance by comparing nonce passed to the iframe
// via query string to the nonce passed back by the iframe
nonce !==
) {
// handle messages from the Embed
switch ( {
case 'error':
case 'ready':
case 'navigate':
// store Embed state (route), e.g. update our URL to store the embed route in a query paramter or smth
console.log('embed navigating to',
case 's3ObjectLink':
// construct a custom link using and copy it to clipboard or perform any other relevant action
console.log('s3 object link clicked',
[iframeRef, nonce, initialize],
React.useEffect(() => {
// subscribe to messages from Embed
window.addEventListener('message', handleMessage)
return () => {
window.removeEventListener('message', handleMessage)
}, [handleMessage])
return (
// other things like styling and stuff
API reference
URL and query parameters
The Embed is served off the main catalog server under /__embed route which takes two optional query parameters:
nonce (any unique string) is used to identify "our" Embed instance and make sure we're receiving messages from that same instance.
origin must be sent to enable cross-origin message passing from Embed to the parent.
Commands to Embed
Embed accepts commands from the parent via postMessage API. Command message data format:
Initialize the Embed. This command must be sent after the Embed is ready (see ready message reference for details). Supported SSO providers are listed in the Technical Reference.
interface InitCommand extends Command {
type: 'init'
// Bucket name, e.g. 'my-bucket'
bucket?: string
// Path to object or prefix in the given bucket, e.g. 'some-prefix/some-object.csv'
path?: string
// Initial route Embed will navigate to, e.g. '/b/my-bucket/tree/some/path',
// takes precedence over bucket / path
route?: string
// Embed accepts any credentials supported by the Quilt authentication endpoint,
// e.g. { provider, token } for [SSO](../
// or { password, username } (which doesn't seem like a right choice in most cases tho).
// Getting credentials is your app's responsibility.
credentials: { provider: string; token: string } | { username: string; password: string }
// Embed can be "scoped" to a prefix, meaning that prefix will be a virtual "root" for the object browser,
// but only for display purposes (i.e. formatting paths / rendering breadcrumbs),
// it won't prevent navigating to the paths outside the scope if navigated directly
// via a command (navigate or init) or a link, so it's not to be considered a security measure.
scope?: string
// Look and feel of the Embed can be customzied by providing theme overrides,
// see [MUI theming reference](
// and [Quilt theme construction code](
// for details.
theme?: MUI.ThemeOptions //
// Some aspects of the UI can be overriden:
overrides?: {
// This prop is responsible for customizing the display and behaviour
// of the "link" button in the object revision list menu
s3ObjectLink?: {
// Title of the link element
title?: string
// Link [template](
// Template context:
// url: string -- url / route of the object version in the context of the Embed
// s3HttpsUri: string -- HTTPS URI of the object version, e.g.${key}?versionId=${version} (with properly encoded key)
// bucket: string -- current bucket
// key: string -- key of the browsed object
// version: string -- object version id
// Example: 'https://my-app/s3-browser?route=<%= encodeURIComponent(url) %>'
href?: string
// Notification shown after copying href to the clipboard (if `emit` is not set to "override")
notification?: string
// Set to "notify" or "override" to enable Embed sending "s3ObjectLink" messages
// (otherwise those messages won't be sent).
// Set to "override" to disable default action on click (copying href to clipboard).
emit?: 'notify' | 'override' | null
// List of CSS URLs to be injected (to further customize look and feel and/or layout)
// Example:
// [
// '',
// '',
// ],
css?: string[]
Navigate to the given route.
interface NavigateCommand extends Command {
type: 'navigate'
// Route to navigate to, e.g. '/b/my-bucket/tree/some/path'
route: string
Messages from Embed
Embed sends messages to its parent via postMessage API. Message data format:
Enabled only when overrides.s3ObjectLink.emit parameter is set during initialization. Sent when the link button in the object version menu is clicked.
interface S3ObjectLinkMessage extends Message {
type: 's3ObjectLink'
// URL aka route of the object version in the context of the Embed
url: string
// HTTPS URI of the object version, e.g.${key}?versionId=${version} (with properly encoded key)
s3HttpsUri: string
// Bucket the object resides in
bucket: string
// Object's key
key: string
// Object's version ID
version: string
Testing and debugging
The catalog's /__embed-debug route is a simple driver for testing Embed:
__embed-debug is useful for trying different parameters and inspecting messages passed to and from the Embed.
Its main components are:
Inputs for init parameters and button for sending the init command.
"Navigate to" button and route input for sending the navigate command.