Frequently Asked Questions
How do I sync my notebook and all of its data and models to S3 as a package?
Use a .quiltignore file for more control over which files
How does Quilt versioning relate to S3 object versioning?
Quilt packages are one level of abstraction above S3 object versions. Object versions track mutations to a single file, whereas a quilt package references a collection files and assigns this collection a unique version.
It is strongly recommended that you enable object versioning on the S3 buckets that you push Quilt packages to. Object versioning ensures that mutations to every object are tracked, and provides some protection against deletion.
Where are the Quilt 2 packages?
Visit and use quilt
on PyPI.
Does quilt3
collect anonymous usage statistics?
collect anonymous usage statistics?Yes, to find bugs and prioritize features.
You can disable anonymous usage collection with an environment variable:
Or call quilt3.disable_telemetry()
to persistently disable anonymous usage statistics.
Can I turn off TQDM progress bars for log files?
Which version of Quilt are you on?
Python client
CloudFormation application
Go to CloudFormation > Stacks > YourQuiltStack > Outputs
Copy the row labeled TemplateBuildMetadata
"git_revision" is your template version
Hashing takes a long time. Can I speed it up?
Yes. Follow these steps:
Run your compute in the same region as your S3 bucket (as opposed to a local machine or foreign region)—I/O is much faster.
Use a larger instance with more vCPUs.
above its default to match your available vCPUs.
Last updated
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