Manipulating Manifests

Every data package is backed by a manifest. A manifest is a self-contained reference sheet for a package, containing all of the files data and metadata necessary to work with a package.

Every time you save a data package to a registry you also save its manifest. You can inspect the manifest yourself using the manifest property:

import quilt3

# create test file
with open("data.csv", "w") as f:
    f.write("id, value\na, 42")

p = quilt3.Package().set("data.csv", "data.csv")
[{'version': 'v0'},
 {'logical_key': 'data.csv',
  'physical_keys': ['file:///.../data.csv'],
  'size': 15,
  'hash': None,
  'meta': {}}]

Manifests saved to disk are in the jsonl/ndjson format, e.g. JSON strings separated by newlines (). They are represented as a list of dict fragments in-memory.

Manifest specification

The first item in the manifest contains the manifest version number (version), the package metadata (user_meta), and a package commit message (message).

version is used to ensure backwards compatibility should the serialization format change. There is currently only one valid version: v0.

user_meta is used to store any user-defined package metadata. In this case this package has no package metadata (yet) so user_meta is omitted.

message stores the package commit message. It will be None if the package is pushed without a commit message. The field is omitted if the package was never subject to a push.

Every item after that is a manifest entry. Entries may be files/objects or directories. All files in the package will have a corresponding entry, as will all directories with metadata. Directories without metadata are omitted.

The manifest fields are as follows:

  • logical_key - The path to the entry within the package.

  • physical_keys - A list of files. Currently this field will always have a single entry. This field is omitted if the entry is a directory.

  • size - The size of the entry in raw bytes. This field is omitted if the entry is a directory.

  • hash - Materialized packages record a content hash for every entry in the package. This field is used to ensure package immutability (the tophash is partly a hash of these hashes).

    If the hash is present it will be a dict fragment of the form {'type': 'SHA256', 'value': '...'}. Un-materialized package entries have a hash of None, as in our example. Directory entries omit this field.

  • meta - Package entry metadata. Package entries lacking metadata will have a meta of {} (empty dict).

Saving and loading manifests

In almost all cases you should be using registries and push to handle sending manifests to and fro. However, there may be advanced use cases where you want to save or load a manifest directly. For that, you can use the low-level manifest API:

import quilt3
p = quilt3.Package().set("data.csv", "data.csv")
p.set_meta({"key": "value"})

# Saving manifest to jsonl file
with open("example.jsonl", "w") as f:

# Loading manifest
p.load(open("example.jsonl", "r"))
Loading manifest: 100%|██████████| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 2141.59entries/s]

(local Package)

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