
Catalog Overview stats (objects, packages) seem incorrect or aren't updating

Catalog Packages tab doesn't work

Catalog packages or stats are missing or are not updating

These are all symptoms of the same underlying issue: the Elasticsearch index is out of sync. If any of the following are true, please wait a few minutes and try again:

  • you recently added the bucket or upgraded the stack

  • search volume is high, or

  • read/write volume is high

If that doesn't work, try the following steps:

Re-index the bucket

If you have less than 1 million objects in the bucket, you should re-index the bucket:

  1. Open the bucket overview in the Quilt catalog and click the gear icon (upper right), or navigate to Admin settings > Buckets and inspect the settings of the bucket in question.

  2. Under "Indexing and notifications", click "Re-index and Repair".

Optionally: if and only if bucket notifications are not working and you are certain that there are no other subscribers to the S3 Events of the bucket in question, check "Repair S3 notifications".

Bucket packages, stats, and the search index will repopulate in the next few minutes.

However, if you have more than 1 million objects in the bucket, re-indexing will take much longer and potentially become expensive. In that case, please try the below steps. If those do not work, please contact Quilt support.

Inspect the Elasticsearch domain

  1. Determine your Quilt instance's ElasticSearch domain from Amazon Console > OpenSearch or aws opensearch list-domain-names. Note the domain name (hereafter QUILT_DOMAIN).

  2. Run the following command and save the output file:

    aws es describe-elasticsearch-domain --domain-name "$QUILT_DOMAIN"\
      > quilt-es-domain.json
  3. Visit Amazon Console > OpenSearch > QUILT_DOMAIN > Cluster health.

  4. Set the time range as long as possible to fully overlap with your observed issues.

  5. Screenshot the Summary, Overall Health, and Key Performance Indicator sections

  6. Send the JSON output file and screenshots to Quilt support.

As a rule you should not reconfigure your Elasticsearch domain directly as this will result in stack drift that will be lost the next time you update your Quilt instance.

Missing metadata when working with Quilt packages via the API

Package.set_dir() on the package root (".") overrides package-level metadata. If you do not provide set_dir(".", foo, meta=baz) with a value for meta=, set_dir will set package-level metadata to None.

A common pattern is to Package.browse() to get the most recent version of a package, and then Package.push() updates. You can preserve package-level metadata when calling set_dir(".", ...) as follows:

import quilt3

p = quilt3.Package.browse(


# Push changes to the S3 registry
    message="Updating package geodata source data"

"Session expired" notice in the Catalog

There are two reasons for encountering the "Session expired" notice after clicking the RELOAD button in the Quilt Catalog.

  1. Your browser cache is out of date, in which case you need to:

    1. Delete session storage

    2. Delete local storage

    3. Delete cookies

  2. Your Quilt user Role has been corrupted. You will need a Quilt Admin user to reset your Quilt user Role to a default (and valid) Role.

User creation and log in

Users can either be invited directly or are just-in-time provisioned (JIP) when they sign in via SSO and receive the "default role."

Important conditions and pre-requisites

  • If an admin (or any user) is created by JIP, or created through CloudFormation with an SSO Provider set to anything other than Disabled, then setting the password for that user has no effect and password login will never succeed for that user. Said another way, users created through SSO can only log in through SSO.

  • You must disable SSO and enable PasswordAuth if you wish to log in as an admin using a password (as opposed to SSO).

Unable to log in

The following are common causes of failed logins. In most cases we recommend that you check the network panel of your browser for details.

  1. SSO connector misconfigured. See SSO for details.

  2. SSL errors are often caused by misspelled names, or incomplete Subject Alternate Names. The ACM certificate for CertificateArnELB must cover all three Quilt CNAMEs either via a suitable * or explicit Subject Alternate Names.

Changing the admin email or password

Changing the admin password is only possible with PasswordAuth=Enabled in CloudFormation and is subject to the following limitations for security reasons:

  • Has no effect if SSO is in use, or was in use when the admin was first created.

  • Has no effect on pre-existing admin username/password pairs.

You can click "reset password" on the login page.

To change the admin email (e.g. you have accidentally broken your admin user) try the following:

  1. Change the value of the AdminEmail CloudFormation parameter to a net new email.

  2. Apply the change as a stack Update.

  3. Once the update is successful, the new admin can log in, set roles, and nominate other admins as needed.

General stack update failure steps

On rare occasions, Quilt stack deployment updates might fail. This can happen for several reasons. To expedite resolution of stack deployment issues, it's helpful to have the following data and output from the following AWS CLI commands when contacting

  1. Quilt stack outputs:

    aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
        --stack-name "$STACK_NAME" \
        --query 'Stacks[].Outputs'
  2. Initiate drift detection:

    aws cloudformation detect-stack-drift \
        --stack-name "$STACK_NAME"
  3. After drift detection is complete:

    aws cloudformation describe-stack-resource-drifts \
        --stack-name "$STACK_NAME"
  4. Quilt stack events:

    aws cloudformation describe-stack-events \
        --stack-name "$STACK_NAME"

Collect logs to diagnose

To expedite the resolution of any errors encountered while using Quilt, please capture the following logs and share them with Quilt support:

Browser Network and Console

  1. Go to the affected page in your Quilt Catalog.

  2. Open the browser Developer tools:

    • Google Chrome: Press F12, Ctrl+Shift+I or from the Chrome menu select More tools > Developer tools.

  3. Select the Network tab.

    1. Ensure the session is recorded:

      • Google Chrome: Check the red button in the upper left corner is set to Record.

    2. Ensure Preserve Log is enabled.

    3. Perform the action that triggers the error (e.g. clicking the Download package button).

    4. Export the logs as HAR format.

      • Google Chrome: Ctrl + Click anywhere on the grid of network requests and select Save all as HAR with content.

    5. Save the HAR-formatted file to your localhost.

  4. Select the Console tab.

    1. Perform the action that triggers the error (e.g. clicking the Download package button).

    2. Export the logs.

      • Google Chrome: Ctrl + Click anywhere on the grid of network requests and select Save as....

    3. Save the log file to your localhost.

Elastic Container Service (ECS)

  1. Find the name of your Quilt stack:

    aws cloudformation list-stacks
  2. Capture Quilt log events for the last 30 minutes as follows:

    aws logs filter-log-events \
        --log-group-name "$STACK_NAME" \
        --start-time "$(( ($(date +%s) - 1800) * 1000 ))" \
        --end-time "$(( $(date +%s) * 1000 ))" > log-quilt-ecs-events.json

IAM permissions

Determine which principal you're using as follows:

aws sts get-caller-identity

S3 objects

Inspect problematic objects with the following commands:

aws s3api list-object-versions --bucket "$BUCKET" --prefix "$PREFIX"
aws s3api get-object-tagging --bucket "$BUCKET" --key "$PREFIX"

Specific logical resources

Sometimes you may wish to find an ID or other information from a logical resource in a Quilt stack. The following example is for security groups. Modify the commands as needed for other resource types.

  aws cloudformation describe-stack-resource \
    --stack-name "$STACK_NAME" \
    --logical-resource-id "$RESOURCE_ID" \
    --query 'StackResourceDetail.PhysicalResourceId' \
    --output text
aws ec2 describe-security-groups --group-ids "${SG_ID}"

Event source mapping

The event source mapping is a Lambda resource that reads from SQS.

aws lambda get-event-source-mapping --uuid \
    $(aws cloudformation describe-stack-resource \
        --stack-name "$STACK_NAME" \
        --logical-resource-id LambdaFunctionEventSourceMapping \
        --query StackResourceDetail.PhysicalResourceId --output text)


If for some reason the event source mapping is disabled, it can be enabled as follows.

aws lambda update-event-source-mapping --uuid \
    $(aws cloudformation describe-stack-resource \
        --stack-name "$STACK_NAME" \
        --logical-resource-id LambdaFunctionEventSourceMapping \
        --query StackResourceDetail.PhysicalResourceId \
        --output text) \

Last updated

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