usage: quilt3 catalog [-h] [--detailed_help] [--host HOST] [--port PORT]
Run Quilt catalog locally
positional arguments:
navigation_target Which page in the local catalog to open. Leave blank to
go to the catalog landing page, pass in an s3 url (e.g.
's3://bucket/myfile.txt') to go to file viewer, or pass
in a package name in the form 'BUCKET:USER/PKG' to go to
the package viewer.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--detailed_help Display detailed information about this command and then
--host HOST Bind socket to this host
--port PORT Bind to a socket with this port
--no-browser Don't open catalog in a browser after startup
Run the Quilt catalog on your machine. Running quilt3 catalog launches a Python webserver on your local machine that serves a catalog web app and provides required backend services using temporary AWS credentials. Temporary credentials are derived from your default AWS credentials (or active AWS_PROFILE) using boto3.sts.get_session_token. For more details about configuring and using AWS credentials in boto3, see the AWS documentation:
Previewing files in S3
The Quilt catalog allows users to preview files in S3 by downloading and processing/converting them inside the Python webserver running on local machine. Neither your AWS credentials nor data requested goes through any third-party cloud services aside of S3.
usage: quilt3 config [-h] [--set KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...]] [catalog_url]
Configure Quilt
positional arguments:
catalog_url URL of catalog to config with, or empty string to
reset the config
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Set a number of key-value pairs for config_values(do
not put spaces before or after the = sign). If a value
contains spaces, you should define it with double
quotes: foo="this is a sentence". Note that values are
always treated as strings.
usage: quilt3 config-default-remote-registry [-h] default_remote_registry
Configure default remote registry for Quilt
positional arguments:
The default remote registry to use, e.g. s3://quilt-ml
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: quilt3 disable-telemetry [-h]
Disable anonymous usage metrics
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: quilt3 install [-h] [--registry REGISTRY] [--top-hash TOP_HASH]
[--dest DEST] [--dest-registry DEST_REGISTRY]
[--path PATH]
Install a package
positional arguments:
name Name of package, in the USER/PKG format
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--registry REGISTRY Registry where package is located, usually s3://MY-
BUCKET. Defaults to the default remote registry.
--top-hash TOP_HASH Hash of package to install. Defaults to latest.
--dest DEST Local path to download files to.
--dest-registry DEST_REGISTRY
Registry to install package to. Defaults to local
--path PATH If specified, downloads only PATH or its children.
usage: quilt3 list-packages [-h] registry
List all packages in a registry
positional arguments:
registry Registry for packages, e.g. s3://quilt-example
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: quilt3 login [-h]
Log in to configured Quilt server
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: quilt3 logout [-h]
Log out of current Quilt server
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: quilt3 push --dir DIR [-h] [--registry REGISTRY] [--dest DEST]
[--message MESSAGE] [--meta META] [--workflow WORKFLOW]
Pushes the new package to the remote registry
positional arguments:
name Name of package, in the USER/PKG format
required arguments:
--dir DIR Directory to add to the new package
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--registry REGISTRY Registry where to create the new package. Defaults to
the default remote registry.
--dest DEST Where to copy the objects in the package
--message MESSAGE The commit message for the new package
--meta META Sets package-level metadata. Format: A json string with
keys in double quotes '{"key": "value"}'
--workflow WORKFLOW Workflow ID or empty string to skip workflow
validation. If not specified, the default workflow will
be used.
usage: quilt3 verify [-h] --registry REGISTRY --top-hash TOP_HASH --dir DIR
Verify that package contents matches a given directory
positional arguments:
name Name of package, in the USER/PKG format
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--registry REGISTRY Registry where package is located, usually s3://MY-
--top-hash TOP_HASH Hash of package to verify
--dir DIR Directory to verify
--extra-files-ok Whether extra files in the directory should cause a
Environment variables
Turn off cache. Defaults to False.
Disable anonymous usage collection. Defaults to False
Maximum size of a record in package manifest. Setting this variable is strongly discouraged. Defaults to 1_000_000.
Turn off TQDM progress bars for log files. Defaults to False
Number of threads for file transfers. Defaults to 10.
This variable could be tried for improving file transfer rate. The optimal value depends on network bandwidth, CPU performance, file sizes, etc.
Quilt uses appdirs for Python to determine where to write data. You can therefore override the following path constants with environment variables using the XDG standard (see appdirs docs).
For instance, AWS Lambda requires the user to use tmp/* as the scratch directory. You can override quilt3.util.CACHE_PATH, so that quilt3 install will succeed in Lambda, by setting the XDG_CACHE_HOME environment variable.