Catalog Overview stats (objects, packages) seem incorrect or aren't updating
Catalog Packages tab doesn't work
Catalog packages or stats are missing or are not updating
If you recently added the bucket or upgraded the stack, if search volume is high, or if the bucket is under rapid modification, wait a few minutes and try again.
Re-index the bucket
Open the bucket in the Quilt catalog
Under "Indexing and notifications", click "Re-index and Repair". Optional: if and only if bucket notifications were deleted or are not working, check "Repair S3 notifications".
Wait a few minutes while bucket statistics and packages repopulate
Diagnose issues with ElasticSearch
Go to CloudFormation > Stacks > YourQuiltStack > Resources
Search for "domain"
Click on the link for "Search" under "Physical ID"
You are now under ElasticSearch > Dashboards
Set the time range to include the period before and after when you noticed any issues
Screenshot the dashboard stats for your domain
Click into your domain and then navigate to "Cluster health"
Screenshot Summary, Overall Health, and Key Performance Indicator sections
Send screenshots to Quilt support.
It is not recommended that you adjust ElasticSearch via Edit domain, as these changes will be lost the next time that you update Quilt
Last updated