As explained in "Uploading a Package", packages are managed using registries. There is a one local registry on your machine, and potentially many remote registries elsewhere "in the world". Use list_packages to see the packages available on a registry:
import quilt3 # list local packageslist(quilt3.list_packages())
Note that unless this registry is public, you will need to be logged into a user who has read access to this registry in order to install from it:
# only need to run this once# ie quilt3.config('https://your-catalog-homepage/')quilt3.config('')# follow the instructions to finish loginquilt3.login()
Data files that you download are written to a folder in your local registry by default. You can specify an alternative destination using dest:
import quilt3 # install package into a specific folderquilt3.Package.install("examples/hurdat", "s3://quilt-example", dest="./")
An alternative to install is browse. browse downloads a package manifest without also downloading the data in the package.
import quilt3 # load a package manifest from a remote registryp = quilt3.Package.browse("examples/hurdat", "s3://quilt-example")# load a package manifest from the default remote registryquilt3.config(default_remote_registry="s3://quilt-example")p = quilt3.Package.browse("examples/hurdat")